Albert Filozov a People’s Artist of Russia has died
The Newspapers
April 11, 2016
This morning Russian actor Albert Filozov died. He died at the home of his eldest son. He was 79 years-old. In recent times, Albert had been seriously ill, however, he paid no attention to his illness, and appeared at all of the performances in the theater “School of Modern Drama”, where he served for over 25 years.
There were no cancellations, although lately it was hard for him to go on stage. In the night of March 26-27, he appeared in the play “The City” at the forum theater in the Arena. The last work of Albert Filozova in the theater “School of Modern Drama” in the role of a Watchmaker in the children’s musical. Albert Leonidovich gladly took on this role: he sang, danced with the youth part of the troupe. He enjoyed participating in children’s play. The children were delighted with his character — kind of an eccentric wizard.
Filozova dream was to play the role of Akaki Bashmachkin in “the Overcoat/Coat”, which the premiere was to be held in April. He already began to rehearse and to learn the music. But at this point his condition had deteriorated and the dream remained unrealized.
Albert Filozov was an amazing human being: a great sense of humor combined with superior intelligence and education. In the same conversation, he could tell a hilarious story and analyze the ninth Symphony of Bruckner. About people who die, we often say: we will miss him. In this case it is not a figure of speech. Albert Filozov played in almost all of the repertoire of the “School of Modern Drama”. It is now absolutely unclear how the theatre will live on without Filozova.
About the time and place of funeral will be announced later.
FILOZOV, Albert (Albert Leonidovich Filozov)
Born: 6/25/1937, Sverdlovsk, Russia, U.S.S.R.
Died: 4/11/2016, Moscow, Russia
Albert Filozov’s western:
A Man from Boulevard Capucines – 1987 (Mr. Second)